Thursday, April 26, 2012

What we're up to now is somewhat slow
going, so here's the latest color updates....
the trim is now finished and will be sprayed
the rest of this week and painting should be through
next week!! Then cabinets, appliances, carpet...
AND then the BEER's!
master bathroom

master bedroom....

main/kids bathroom

hallway to bedrooms

finishing trim!

Cody helping Brian finish trimming the "complicated" windows!

the stairs coming along!

our "Beer" bellies :)

tiling the tub surround in the master bath!
the VERY LAST of the tiling:)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hit the Floor!

So since I've last gotten a chance to update here's
the low down on what's happening:
The fireplace is now stoned with hearth, just needs
to be grouted (I guess after they paint the walls).
Brian has been diligently trimming away, which we've
learned is mainly a one man job.
Beans helped Brian put the hallway floor in and
the Whiteis's helped us get the hardwood floor in
the great room, all in 1.5 days believe it or not!!
The painter's have been spraying the trim white;
distressing the center island, and most recently have
started the back bedrooms.....
should only be a month or so and it will truly
be our HOME!

As usual, we ran a little short,
But the rest of the hearth is here now!

You'll have to look at old posts of the windows in
order to appreciate the finished look! 

View from my whirlpool tub:)

Brian installing doors...

and baseboard.....
thought I'd get a view of his good side! 

Distressed center island...

The flooring crew!

The girls came to watch their uncle in action!

And they found a way to help too,
they grated the driveway!!

Amanda giving art lessons!
How much fun when you can draw on the floor!
But ONLY at Brian and Kelly's:) 
The final stretch!

Oh yeah, can't forget about up there....

Bird's eye View!

The doors drying out...

The first painted room!

And the accent wall in our bedroom!
Which will also be the color in the great room!

Careful; I'm dangerous with a insullation gun!

And a few maternity photos...

BaBy BeeR:)