Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Continuing to Make Some Serious Progress...

 Wednesday and Friday Cody and Brian put in some hours and managed
to finish the back half of the house and trim the garage doors;
unfortunately I was at work so I didn't catch any pics:(
Saturday and Sunday were very productive also,
we had great help (as usual!) and made a BIG dent
with our siding project:)

Oh, and we finally got the LAST window in too!

Brian and I framed in the fireplace on Monday
and (above) Wednesday Brian was starting to place
cardboard which to be insulated; the Beer family showed
up to help after I left for work so as always there
was huge accomplishment.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Windows, Siding, and Garage Doors!

Wow it's been a long time since our last update;
and LOTS of changes too!
We now have windows, garage doors and
are in the proccess of siding,
check it out!

Thanks Rusty for spending the siding :)
And with nightfall at 5pm there is
need for those spotlights :(
Brandon and Brian tackled the garage doors
in 1 day, good job boys!
I'm not scared of heights (or so I thought)
but the 8th time I had to climb that ladder
with slippery boots I was a little slow going!