Tuesday, December 10, 2013

falling into winter....

So as you may imagine, life has been busy
and hectic, lots has been going on and I've
been getting into a lot more things!
I'm definitely keeping mom and dad
occupied, just breaking them in for
baby #2;)

I just LOVE being around kids;
especially this rowdy bunch,
I try to keep up to them the best I can!

I figured out these white dandelion things fall
off when I blow on them, pretty neat!
Picking them keeps me occupied for quite some time!

Here's me and Olivia,
when we were smaller we weren't too interested
in each other but now we're buds and I like to do
everything she does!

This is the bike trailer I climb into everytime I
play out in the garage; you think mommy would get
the hint that if she really didn't want to give me a ride
in it she would get it out of my sight!
So, each time I see it I climb in and scream until
she gives in and takes me for a cruise
up the driveway and back.
That's usually the farthest we can make it,
for some reason mommy slows down A LOT as
we gradually go up the hill and she even has to stop and get
off and push sometimes. I don't really get why but as long
as I'm moving I'm happy!!

Daddy's lawn mower continues to be my
absolute favorite toy- moving or not!
There wasn't a single time this year that daddy
got to mow the lawn all by himself;
I was determined to be included on each go around...
even if it was cold and I had to be bundled,
or even if I was too tired to stay awake
for the entire ride!

While mommy works on "projects" I keep
myself occupied and entertained,
I love to crawl and climb on just about anything!

Brooke and Nate are always entertaining
to be around, they introduced me to
my first leaf pile! Boy it was fun.
They even buried themselves and me in
piles of leaves, but I didn't like it when
they buried mommy:(

The basement is my new favorite place to hang out;
as you can see, the best toys are hiding out down there!
Here I am gearing up for winter, since mommy won't be
doing much riding with that baby in her tummy I thought I'd
better start practicing to hit the trails with daddy and put
some miles on this sled!
Dad just hopes I drive more like him and not mom!

I continue to be a good "helper" around the house.
These days I ESPECIALLY like helping
mommy with the laundry, sweeping the floor,
 and vaccuming--I'm good at cleaning,
but even better at making messes! 

I'm getting better about eating "real people"
food....my latest favorite treat is
apples, I typically like them whole vs. cut up!

Here I am on Halloween modeling my costume,
I thought that silly lion in the mirror looked kind of
funny and then I realized that lion was ME!

Oh yes, and here I am again doing what I do best....

I love to hang out with my cousins,
I just love to follow them around and watch
the fun things they do, I learn so much from them!
I must be included in whatever mischief is going on
at all times!

and you may wonder what I'm doing in the tub
with my clothes ON!
Especially since you all know how much I love
to be in the nude!
Well, mommy started my tubby for me one
evening but I was too busy playing trucks
in my room so she carried on cleaning up.
When I decided I was finished with trucks and ready
to hop on in for my tubby, I did exactly that...
all by myself in fact!
A few short moments later mom and dad came in
to find me washing up, which I must
say is hard to do soaked in wet clothes!

Here I am preparing to be
uncle Brandon's next employee!

I figured I'd do a safety check on this gadget
to make sure it passes inspection for my
baby brother or sister....
if it supports me climing and rocking around
in it then it must be ok for the baby
(that is, if I decide to share)!

Mommy says I'm the cutest
little cowboy she's ever seen...
She's always trying to take pictures
of me in my get-up,
can't she just let me be?!

                                                      In honor of "movember" I decided to
                                                                 join the bandwagon!
                                                      Looking more and more like daddy
                                                                everyday and loving it!

Here I am bundled up to enjoy my first
holiday parade....
However, what mommy did NOT expect
was that I would have preferred to be IN
the parade. I kept running into the street and
I really just wanted to walk along and take part
too....so finally mom gave in and we joined
the parade too! Even after the parade had
finished I decided it was way more fun
to walk in the streets than on the sidewalk:(
And to help me get into the Christmas spirit,
mommy took me to visit Santa for the first time...
I didn't really know what to think of him.