Brecken's first experience at Tokyo, hibachi grill....
he was actually a lot more on the scared side
than the excited side and didn't particularly
enjoy the entertaining atmosphere!
Our healthy, growing girl-
she's a great eater!
Eat's just about anything you let her....
sauerkraut & pickled heart
are two examples that make mom's
stomach turn:(
11 months old
and full of energy and attitude!
This handsome stud loves getting his haircut....
he let's me know when its grown out too long-
"mom, I've got crazy hair!"
Then off to the salon we go!
the "B" boys!
Blake, Brett, Bennett, and Brecken.
LOVE the entertainment they provide;)
my sassy lil cowgirl'
......taking after her dad.....
kisses for the camera!
still maintaining her reputation
of the happy, smiley girl!
12 how a year flies:(
Initially I thought she just was as sad as
I was about her turning ONE!!
She was not her typical happy-go-lucky
self on her special day......
a bit moody and detesting....
unfortunately the evening revealed fever, cough,
runny nose, and the real reason for her
poor mood.
But she had a HAPPY birthday nonetheless!
my adorable valentines!
this is my pouty face....
too stinking cute!
I like to wear my supper
and save some for later!
She likes to drive anything she can climb on too,
just like her big brother!
Ready to rev it up and ride!
Happy 94th b-day GREAT grandma Marti!
Sister look-a-likes
So excited to drive to Grandpa Kuehn's...
this is what I get when I say
"rest your eyes for a bit and when
you wake up we'll be there"
-are we there yet?!
This little girl couldn't be happier that
spring finally decided to ride,
and in particular enjoys her swing!
Brecken is very excited to
finally be able to
play at "his park"
the lookout scouts!
he rides like uncle putz,
sure hope he can fix things like uncle putz too!
she's can't handle not being in control!
typical girl;)
there's that healthy appetite again!
our timid little egg hunter,
he likes to go at his own pace!
Look out, crazy driver on the loose!
Family photo + grandpa!
Kallyn will NOT allow Grandpa Kuehn
out of reach, ATTACHED!
Kallyn modeling a dress and peacoat
that GREAT grandma Kuehn made!
he looks the part, right?!