looks like a nice, well-mannered game of
this girl ;)
attempting to be independent and girly!
preparing to make Nate's bday cupcakes....
this boy LOVES to cook!
November trip to TEXAS to visit auntie Coley
airport fun
take off....
Brecken's favorite part of Coley's house
(besides Coley of course!)
He loves taking care of the 3 dogs!
An unforgettable moment of the trip....
Brecken found out what fire ants are:(
and our FAVORITE part of TX....
Galvaston Beach!
The cement slab for our shed had been poured
for our shed while we were gone and on our
first day back home Brecken was determined to ride
his bike without training wheels for the very first time...
Got the hang of it within 30 minutes of trying:)
HaLLoWeeN 2016
Snow white and Spider Man
2nd annual carving of pumpkins
with the Whiteis and Shouler Families!
Valleyfair Pumpkinfest!
SO much to do;
haunted house, petting zoo, shows,
rides, story-readings, and dinosaurs-
can't wait to go back next year:)
"helping" at the apple orchard!
Barten's Pumpkin Patch
-New Prague, MN-
just enjoying a 'beer' with my little Beer's!
Mall of America Trip with our TX friends:)
also pronounced as "boco 'merica" if
you as Kallyn and "ball of america"
if you ask Brecken!
Rides, Dora/Diego, Legoland and
their best friend Maddi equals
a combination to wear them out;)
this girl loves anyone who will read to her!
Brecken's new passion is coloring
pictures and writing, and I must say
he does some pretty fine work.
His preference is usually trucks/tactors!
putting them to work in the kitchen!
This picture displays their interests very well,
Brecken is our hands on helper and Kallyn is our taste tester!
Thanks Auntie Sarah for sharing your cheese sauce with me!
*as if she had a choice;)
they play well together......sometimes!
My favorite time of the day!
pure innocence!
A little snippet of this year's "home" projects:
setting ground for a new shed and a soon to be screened in porch/deck.
one CRAZY but happy family!
can you believe the astute cousin reading in the background
amongst these SiLLy kids!
SiLLy at it's finest!
starting to find interest in his birthday present!
FiRsT day of PREschool!
someone else thinks she's ready for school!
Visiting GREAT grandma Marti
Summer FuN!
-Cedar Lake Park, New Prague MN-
world's best babysitter!
'pumpin' some iron- burning some steam!
ridin' double!
flaunting her new look-
so grown up in a ponytail!
embarassing mom with his favorite way
to wear his socks, learned from cousin Nate!
Fun at the FAIR!
can't believe we ever got this
girl to give up her nuk! 2.5 years!
-New Ulm, MN-
Fun with Friends!
First year of Swimming Lessons!