Wednesday, February 15, 2012

MoViNg right along!

Well, we sold our home in town and we close Feb 21,
so the moving has begun!
THANKS so much, Brian and I were again
graciously reminded how lucky we
are when the morning came to start hauling as
 much as we could to the new house and
before we knew it our current home was empty
and our new home was full :)
We were blessed to have fantastic
helpers, family and friends.

Here, the work continues to make our NEW house our NEW HOME!
finishing the LAST pieces of sheetrock on the interior!

Our dependable cleaning lady, She's HIRED!
she even feeds us too!

                       I kept busy moving what I could while the boys
                            did the heavy duty work-- sheet rocking!

                         Sorry no progress pics along the way but here's
                                our FINISHED basement garage :)    
                                 which will likely soon be FULL :(                          

And here's the beautiful artwork the
on the walls! (this was hired out)
master bedroom ceiling

master bathroom ceiling

                                "tree bark" texture on the walls
                                      of the main living areas

                               "fudge" texture on ceilings of main
                                     bathroom and kids rooms

                          And the basement gets fuller....

                             Here's the latest updates of the exterior;
                          ALMOST all done outside, just some soffit,
                      fascia and band boards.....and some landscaping!

                                We're not CRAZY about the
                       cream board and batten (vertical siding),
                           was hoping it would grow on me
                                     but not so much....
                        needless to say we may be painting
                                  the vertical cream siding
                            IF the stone pillars we eventually
                               put up don't help tone it down.

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