As usual time is flying and I continue
to be a busy body....
learning so many things
and growing up WAY TOO FAST.
I can now say the following names:
Abby, Emme, Lacey, Bop Bop,
Fuzzy, Beans, Bryn, & Brecky
and of coarse- Papa, Daddy, Mommy, Grandma....
My vocabulary is becoming quite extensive
and I'm getting really good at repeating.
I can say help, tractor, shovel,
kitty, puppy, cow, baby, belly, up,
please, thank you, mine, block,
cheese, treat, and SO much MORE
Lately Mommy has been working some extra
shifts and getting in some extra classes
before the baby comes so most weeks
I've been going to daycare all 5 days.
I don't mind because I love daycare and
being around other kids, it's a good routine for me.
But once baby gets here we'll get back to the
usual 3 days/week and I'll get to spend
2 weekdays home with mommy & baby.
Daddy is REALLY dreading getting TWO
of us ready in the mornings, he says I'm
quite the handful to chase around
most mornings.
I'm also becoming mr. independent and
wanting to do many things for myself,
I get pretty bucky if you try to offer me help
when I'm adament to do things on my own.
At home I still sleep really well in my crib,
therefore- me and the baby will each have
our own crib (thanks to Brandon and Abby,
I won't have to share!)
I still go down like a dream most nights,
typically around 10:00pm. I sleep through
the night and my usual wake time is 7-7:30am.
If someone will snuggle me and feed me milk in
the mornings then I will usually sleep in until 9am!!
I love hanging with my cousins, even if they're girls!
They have fun toys like this princess phone--
I just love to talk on telephones.
Plus look at this sweet ride,
I'm rocking this hot pink babie-mobile!
They even have fun dress up clothes,
check out these high heels!
It's not too often we get family photo shoots
anymore so mom's gotta sneak a selfie
in when the opportunity arises!
And here's the other growing baby in
my mommy's belly...
Whoa- that baby sure takes up a lot of room!!
It's fun to play dress up in mommy's closet too-
I mostly like to try on her hats, headbands,
and jewlery!
I occassionally get to take tubbies in this swirly tub,
although I'm not real fond of the swirlies!
but I do have a fascination with turning the water
spouts on, which mom doesn't prefer.
If she won't help me up I'm resourceful
enough to find my own way to reach things
that I'm determined to get at!
I stacked these boxes of soap and climbed
right up, voila!
family vacation to the Holiday Inn
waterpark hotel in Owatonna,
I had lots of fun swimming in the pool,
playing in the arcade, and running through
the halls/riding the elevator! I made supper
especially exciting when I pushed a small piece
of my fruit loop up my nose to the point
of no return-- mommy couldn't see it anymore
and couldn't get me to blow my nose to
make it come out-- she thought for a while
we were going to have to make our first ER visit
but luckily a snot avalanche broke loose and
out it came!
I love pop-tarts,
luckily I didn't have to wait 30 minutes
after eating to get in the water!
I think the most fun part
about the water park was the spouts that
shoot water up in the air!
Oh, and my water gun!
Daddy took me down a really big
water slide in a tube like this,
the look on my face convinced mom
that I wasn't a fan!
But I didn't mind this little water slide,
I even went down by myself!
The tubby in the hotel room proved
to be just as amusing!
Mommy and daddy thought I might
be fascinated to see the neat animals
at cabelas... little did they know this
display model trike would hold my
attention and keep me entertained
to a much further extent than those animals!
Mommy's been on daddy's case to get a few
last minute projects done around the house so
she can continue to make room for the baby....
so a man's gotta do what a mommy tells him to do--
Here daddy and I are making some shelves and
storage space for all mommy's junk!
and here we are setting up
the baby's crib-- although,
I much rather preferred to play in it!I really like kitties and puppies,
at auntie Manda's house I get to
play with both!
There's no MN temperature too cold for me.
I LOVE outside, the cold doesn't even
phase me. I could spend HOURS outdoors, even
on the coldest of days-- and I have!
I willingly bundle up the minute mommy
tells me I can go outside,
there's no fuss to getting my outside gear
on when I know where I'm headed!
I love to drive daddy's forklift....
take a ride in the sled....
but most of all my favorite is to shovel!
This past weekend I even got to take
my very first snowmobile ride with daddy!
(thanks for borrowing me the helmet Lacey!!)
I sat really good and enjoyed the ride-
we rode all the way to Beans' house!
I don't think it's ever taken daddy 30 minutes to
get 3 miles on a snowmobile before but he made
sure to be extra safe with me in tow!
and I even got to ride on the cat cutter with
the girls at the farm-- I'm so lucky
to have so many fun toys to choose from!
But all that outside air makes me REAL TIRED!
Here I am doing my best look-alike impression
of Grandpa Beer!
I grew me a mustache for this occassion!
any day now my little brother or sister will
be arriving, we can't wait to see
whose been hiding in mommy's belly all these months!
Hopefully I'll approve and want to keep
him or her around a while!
but for now I think mommy's belly is the safest
place for that baby:)
I've been thinking of you and anxiously awaiting the big news! Hope all is well and you make a smooth transition :)